Assembeller New Update

1:new map in development 

2: a end of the 3 rd floor of the building, now there is a way out of this floor, just one thing, you will need a card.....

Assembeller, it is a game where you have to get out of your office is to try to survive in a terrorist attack, or it was supposed to be terrorists.....

for those who did not understand what was said, basically you are in your work in a office, is have to flee the city, because it is being invaded by terrorists, or was to be terrorists, this end of the text, I meant that it is not exactly a terrorist invasion, it is very but gloomy that this, is that it can be but than ared alert, it is rather an apocalyplyso alert

but not to give spoiles, I recommend playing the game;)

for now, the game is in alpha test, be finds some bug, some evil optimization, please contact me either on youtube: or disagree: or in the comments of the game page, thanks for reading;)

Files 73 MB
Jan 23, 2022

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